The Canons Regular of Premontre



Pastoral ministry is an inevitable aspect of the Norbertine way of Life, the itinerant preaching is the model of our pastoral life. Supporting the local church through dedicated and effective pastoral involvement is the motto of our pastoral zeal. It is a vital aspect of our mission to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to all people and to help them live according to the Gospel values.

We involve in various Pastoral ministries as follows:

  • Sacramental ministry: This involves the administration of the sacraments, such as baptism, confirmation, the Eucharist, reconciliation, anointing of the sick, and marriage. These sacraments are essential to the life of the Church and provide important moments of encounter with Christ for Catholics.

  • Catechetical ministry: This involves teaching the Catholic faith to children, youth, and adults through various programs and activities, such as religious education classes, youth groups, and adult faith formation programs.

  • Youth ministry: This involves working with young people to help them grow in their faith, develop a sense of belonging to the Church, and discover their unique gifts and talents. This may involve retreats, camps, service projects, and other activities.

  • Family ministry: This involves supporting families in their roles as the domestic church, providing resources and programs to help them grow in their faith and build strong relationships.

  • Evangelization ministry: This involves sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with those who have not yet heard it, and helping them to encounter Christ through the witness of the Church and its members.

We render our pastoral ministries in 22 parishes across 7 different states in India. Understanding the multi linguist demography of the country we minister in the respective language and culture. We also work in overseas our conferers are actively involved in the pastoral and social apostolates at little rock, Chicago, Daylesford, Mississippi USA, Canada and Germany. Ever ready and convinced of taking up rural missions in the Diocese we work become a remarkable identity of our communities. We aim in following the footsteps of our founder St. Norbert in winning the souls for the Lord.


The educational ministry is an essential aspect of our mission to serve and support the society. Through this ministry, we aim to provide education that is grounded in wisdom, values, and ethics, and that fosters intellectual, emotional, and social growth of the individuals. Today, we operate a network of educational institutions, including primary and higher secondary schools and vocational schools. These institutions serve students of all backgrounds and religions, and are often recognized for their academic excellence, commitment to service, and emphasis on character development.

Our educational philosophy is based on the belief that education should be holistic, integrating intellectual, social, and cultural development. The institutions strive to create a nurturing and supportive environment that encourages students to grow in all areas of their lives. They aim to instill in students a sense of responsibility, compassion, and social justice, and to prepare them for leadership roles in their communities.

We recognize the importance of education as a tool for breaking the cycle of poverty and addressing social inequality. We have a specific importance and focus on education for the poor and underprivileged, recognizing that these individuals often face significant barriers to accessing quality education.

In addition to their traditional educational programs, we are also involved in a range of other educational activities, such as adult education programs, summer camps, and after-school programs for children. We also provide scholarships and financial assistance to students who would not otherwise have access to education.

Social Work

Norbertine social work centres works to promote the integral development of marginalized and vulnerable communities, particularly those affected by poverty, hunger, and social injustice. we provide humanitarian assistance, emergency relief, and long-term development programs to many people across the country.

Establishing a communitarian network to provide dignity and basic standard of life to the deprived, poor, women and children are the prime objectives of promoting social development works. Our developmental programs aimed at promoting sustainable and inclusive growth in rural and under developed areas. These programs focus on a range of activities, including education, healthcare, sanitation, agriculture, and livelihoods.

Our healthcare programs in different centers help people to access medial aid for free or with minimal charges. The TB program in Jabalpur is one of these kinds which provide free medical care for TB patients in many villages around the centre. This also includes providing free rations and nutrients during the treatment period. We also aim at empowering women in rural communities by providing them with training and support to start their own small businesses. Through our SHGs program, women are able to access microfinance and other resources to start businesses such as tailoring, handicrafts, and agriculture. This helps to increase their income and improve their standard of living.

The education oriented social programs includes sponsorship program for students which helps many students to get financial aid for their formal education. We also run vocational training centre, rural self-employment programs and evening free tuition classes for the students.

Housing project helps various families to have proper houses to live. This also includes building up of toilets for many families and villages. A secured stay is been promoted for the people in need.

Through our commitment to social justice and service, these ministries are making a significant contribution to building a more equitable and just society, making this earth a better place to live.

Fine Arts, Media and Communication:

Reading the signs of time, Norbertine have also ventured into the area of art, media and communication as one of our ministries. Our centres provide training and resources to students who are interested in media and communication, fine arts like Music and dance. We offer formal classes, workshops, seminars, and summer programs on Music, dance, journalism, social media and video production.

In spreading the Good news of love norbertine media produce Videos, films, documentaries and podcasts that explore the possibilities for reaching out to the youth and younger generations. We have a strong focus on social justice, and media and communication ministry will play a role in promoting this mission by producing media content that raises awareness of issues like poverty, inequality, and environmental degradation and inspire action to address these issues.

Students those are interested in learning fine arts like music and dance are facilitated by our institute named Prem Sanchar which provides music and dances courses.

Norbertine media also promotes the Catholic faith and values and to advance the mission of the Church.